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"Vin Egar" - the beginning of our history NGO AIC - Foundation "Abkhazinterkont"

The Beginnings of Vin Egar

The year 2021 was a turning point in our journey. "Vin Egar" participated in the innovative grant competition organized by the AbkhazInterkont Foundation, where our project emerged as a winner. This marked the sprouting of our first seed—the initial steps built on enthusiasm and trust.

That same year, the AbkhazInterkont Foundation provided us with a vital piece of equipment—a fruit peeler, which enables us to process tons of apples and create our unique apple cider vinegar.

The establishment of "Vin Egar" would not have been possible without the significant contributions of Tamar and Archil Elbakidze. Their support and dedication laid the foundation for turning our ideas into reality. For this, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to them, as they remain an irreplaceable part of our story.